Aug 25, 2009

TNRG 8-25-09

7.5 miles tonight!

I will not be there because of the Buddy Walk in Lincoln Park, but meet up anyway and have a great time!

Meet at 6pm at the YMCA.

Happy Running!

Aug 18, 2009

Fall Frolic

Don't forget to check out the registration form for the Fall Frolic available for download in the right column of this page.

We are offering Saturday Morning Training Runs for this event starting THIS SATURDAY at 8am in front of the Empire Arts Center. They will run from 8-22 thru 9-16.

Even if you're not in need of training for the event, you can still come for great running company!

Email me if you have questions or would be willing to be the "Team Leader" one of these Saturdays.


TNRG 8-18-09

Here is the route for tonight's run. Meet at 6pm at the YMCA.

The attached route is for 8 miles. If you'd like to go 5, just cut back to Columbia road after you exit the trail behind the Wellness Center instead of going towards 42nd.

See you tonight!

Aug 11, 2009

Look to the right

I added a link to get the Empire Arts Center's Fall Frolic registration form. Download, fill out, send in, and get ready to frolic!

Happy Running!

Aug 10, 2009

TNRG 8-11-09

I heard it's gonna be a hot one, so my distances for you are shorter than usual.

Here you go!

